Okkhor - Voice Typing Software

Okkhor is a software tools that will help you to type anything, anywhere in your computer without typing using your hands. It's available for free in many language

Okkhor | Voice Typing softwer

অক্ষর সফটওয়্যারই প্রথম বাংলা ভাষায় ভয়েস টাইপিং

অক্ষর ভয়েস টাইপিং সফটওয়্যারই প্রথম বাংলা ভাষায় কম্পিউটারের যেকোনো জায়গাতে টাইপ করেতে পারবেন ।

okkhor | bangla voice typing softwer

user manual guide

How to use Okkhor - Voice Typing Keyboard

Use Keyboard shortcut

Click the cursor where you need to type and press Alt and Shift together from the keyboard. Then you speak what ever you went to write. It's the easyer way to use.

Change Language

step 01 : Click the settings Icon in the softwer. Then expand the settings area.
step 02 : Select your language that you want.
step 03 : Select your language that you want.

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